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Pygame To Mac App

  1. Pygame To Mac App Windows 10
  2. Pygame Mac Download
  3. How To Use Pygame

In this tutorial you will learn how to build the game snake. The game is an arcade game and it has very simple logic, which is why it is an ideal example to demonstrate how to build games with Pygame.

Pygame to mac app download

Well it kind of makes sense since the screen size on ratina is huge. The problem is that python overall is pretty slow on mac. Where i run our app on linux and windows 250fps easily my friends pretty new macbook runs it at 60fps max. Also python will use 100% of his cpu while on my windows it is only 10%. The venvdotapp helps the python be a Mac ‘app’, so that the pygame window can get focus. Python -m pip install venvdotapp venvdotapp python -m pip install pygame. Features of pygame. Silliness built in. Pygame is meant to make things fun. New silliness is added every 3.1415 seconds. Works without a problem, on a fresh Mojave install, with Python 3.7.0 from Miniconda, the version of PyGame reported is 1.9.4. Hi there, I'm trying to get the pygame window to open but I haven't had any luck. I'm running pygame 1.9.6 with python 3.8 and macOS Mojave. And I guess we're both working on the alien pygame project.

The player is represented as snake, which grows if it eats an apple. The goal of the game is to eat as many apples as possible without colliding into yourself. This is very easy in the early phase of the game but is increasingly more difficult as the length of the snake grows.

Related course:

ACCESS the FULL COURSE here: Learn Python 3.6 from scratch while creating your own 'Frogger' style game!. PyGame Drawing Basics Getting Started. You must do the following to get started with Pygame: import pygame import sys pygame.init Strictly speaking, import sys is not needed for PyGame, but as we'll see later, to be able to use the 'close window' button on Windows or Mac, we'll need to use sys.exit, so it is helpful. ACCESS the FULL COURSE here: Learn Python 3.6 from scratch while creating your own 'Frogger' style game!.

Getting started: Basic structure and event handling.
We define a class Player which holds the players position on the screen and the speed by which it moves. In addition we define the actions a Player instance can do (movements):

A player object can be created and variables can be modified using the movement methods.
We link those methods to the events. In Pygame we can get non-blocking keyboard input using this code:

The complete code gives us the ability to move the player across the screen:

You can now move the block around the screen with the arrow keys.

<caption id=”attachment_589” align=”alignnone” width=”400”] pygame example. Move the block around the screen

Related course:

Building the player (snake)
The player controls a snake which has an initial length. This snake is always moving and changes the direction it moves when pressing an arrow key. To do so, update the player class:

and don’t forget to add a delay to the game loop.


This starts to act more as a snake, but it does not have a base length yet. We keep track of the snakes old positions and move the head of the snake. We also moved the drawing method into the snake. Copy the code and you will have a moving snake:


<caption id=”attachment_594” align=”alignnone” width=”592”] python snake

Game logic
The snake game has some rules:

  • If the snake eats an apple, the apple moves to a new position.

  • If the snake eats an apple, the snakes length grows.

  • If a snake collapses with itself, game over.

We start by creating a new class that enables us to create apples:
For simplicity sake, we display the apples as green cubes. We have this basic code, but it does not do a lot more than moving the snake and showing the apple:
We have thus to add the game logic. To know if the snakes position matches the apples position, we have to do collision detection. This simply means veryfing that the cordinate of the snake are intersecting with the coordinates of the apple. We create a new method to do that:
It will return True if the coordinates (x1,y1) are intersection with (x2,y2) given its block size bsize. We call this method to determine if the snake collides with the apple. We need to check this for the entire snake and not only for the head, because we do not want the new position of the apple to be somewhere on the snake. We use the same isCollision method to determine if the snake collides with itself (= lose game).
Full source:
Related course:


You learned how to create the game snake in Python along with concepts such as collision detection, image loading and event handling. Many things could be added to this little toy game but this serves as a very simple example. :-)

Not sure what to download? Read the Installation Notes.

1.9.6 Packages (April 25th 2019)


  • pygame-1.9.6.tar.gz ~ 3.1M ~ d923c554203a7c35e37921658cb4c5bf50215ab0ff4d2b869a1ee6b2e2ca31d66ec4bbde4287f5a777838ffe932cd15b993cb0224b86e43d684de61c35acbcd0 (sha512sum)

1.9.5 Packages (March 31st 2019)


  • pygame-1.9.5.tar.gz ~ 3.1M ~ 72bec05e052f1b271f4fab219d078d0f768a72ea (sha1)
Pygame To Mac App

1.9.4.post1 Packages (Oct 27th 2018)

Pygame To Mac App Windows 10


  • pygame-1.9.4.post1.tar.gz ~ 2.9M ~ 956e43144348d9a05a40d5a381b5eaee
This is a source only release, because the source pygame-1.9.4.tar.gz release contained build artifacts.

1.9.4 Packages (July 19th 2018)


  • pygame-1.9.4.tar.gz ~ 4.6M ~ 9387835fab92a8b4a3c9e51e2c9267a670476aaa

Wheel packages are also available on PyPI, and may be installed by running pip install wheel

1.9.3 Packages (January 16th 2017)


  • pygame-1.9.3.tar.gz ~ 2M

Wheel packages are also available on PyPI, and may be installed by running pip install wheel

1.9.1 Packages (August 6th 2009)


  • pygame-1.9.1release.tar.gz ~ 1.4M - source/docs/examples in unix format
  • pygame-1.9.1release.zip ~ 1.5M - source/docs/examples in windows format


Get the version of pygame for your version of python. You may need to uninstall old versions of pygame first.
NOTE: if you had pygame 1.7.1 installed already, please uninstall it first. Either using the uninstall feature - or remove the files: c:python25libsite-packagespygame . We changed the type of installer, and there will be issues if you don't uninstall pygame 1.7.1 first (and all old versions).
  • pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.7.msi 3.1MB
  • pygame-1.9.1release.win32-py2.4.exe 3MB
  • pygame-1.9.1release.win32-py2.5.exe 3MB
  • pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.5.msi 3MB
  • pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.6.msi 3MB
  • pygame-1.9.2a0.win32-py2.7.msi 6.4MB
  • pygame-1.9.1.win32-py3.1.msi 3MB
  • pygame-1.9.2a0.win32-py3.2.msi 6.4MB
  • (optional) Numeric for windows python2.5 (note: Numeric is old, best to use numpy) http://rene.f0o.com/~rene/stuff/Numeric-24.2.win32-py2.5.exe
  • windows 64bit users note: use the 32bit python with this 32bit pygame.
There are some pre release binaries for 64bit windows, and for python 2.7 at http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pygame

Unix Distributions

1.9.1 has been packaged up for almost all major distributions. You can also install 1.9.1 from source with python setup.py install (see Compilation page).
  • Ubuntu - pygame is available through apt-get in the Universe (1.9.1)
  • Gentoo - pygame is available in the portage system (1.9.1 + 1.9.2prerelease)
  • Fedora - Package repositories have support for pygame (1.9.1)
  • Suse - The Yast package system has pygame (updated to 1.9.1)
  • OLPC - comes with the XO, and sugar (1.9.1).
  • archlinux - pygame is available through pacman (1.9.1)
  • Debian - pygame is available through apt-get (1.9.1)
  • FreeBSD - pygame is included in standard ports as py26-game (1.8.1)
  • OpenBSD - pygame is included in standard ports (1.8.1)


These are packages for the python from python.org, not the apple provided python. These packages work with OSX 10.3.9 upwards.
  • pygame-1.9.1release-python.org-32bit-py2.7-macosx10.3.dmg 12MB
  • pygame-1.9.1release-py2.6-macosx10.5.zip 10.3MB
  • pygame-1.9.1release-py2.5-macosx10.5.zip 10.3MB
  • pygame-1.9.1release-py2.4-macosx10.5.zip 10.3MB
  • MacPorts - available in the ports collection as py-game (updated to 1.9.1)
  • fink - 1.7.1release is available. (no bug submitted yet for 1.9.1 update)
  • Snow leopard osx apple supplied python: pygame-1.9.2pre-py2.6-macosx10.6.mpkg.zip
  • Lion apple supplied python: pygame-1.9.2pre-py2.7-macosx10.7.mpkg.zip


  • nokia pys60 - pygame-S60-1.9.0_pyS60-1.9.7_SVN-2559_20090805_GCCE-UREL.sisx
  • Maemo - latest release version 1.8.1 - in package manager. (bug report for 1.9.1 update)


  • Haiku-os - (an open source BeOS) latest release version 1.8.1 (no bug submitted yet for 1.9.1 update)
  • Bebits - latest release version 1.6



Pygame Mac Download

  • prebuilt-msvcr71.zip ~ 1.7M - March 29th 2008 - all win32 dependency libraries.
  • Pygame-1.8.0-deps-src.zip ~ 19.7M - June 29 2008 - all win32 source dependencies.
  • pygame2exe.py ~ 1 kb - Nov 11, 2002 - run py2exe on your pygames.
  • Aliens-0.9-win32.exe ~ 1.3 mb - Standalone Aliens example for windows.
  • pygame_logo.psd ~ 1.3 mb - Highres version of the logo, in photoshop format with layers.
  • pyobjc-1.4-py2.5-macosx10.4.mpkg.zip - pyobjc is needed for old versions of pygame1.8.x on OSX 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5.

Previous Releases

How To Use Pygame

  • pygame-1.9.0release.tar.gz ~ 1.4M - August 1, 2009
  • pygame-1.8.1release.tar.gz ~ 1.4M - July 30, 2008
  • pygame-1.8.0release.tar.gz ~ 1.4M - March 29, 2008
  • pygame-1.7.1release.tar.gz ~ 1.3M - August 16, 2005
  • 1.7.0 ~ no source release was made.
  • pygame-1.6.2.tar.bz2 ~ 1140 kb -
  • pygame-1.6.tar.gz ~ 832 kb - October 23, 2003
  • pygame-1.5.tar.gz ~ 736 kb - May 30, 2002
  • pygame-1.4.tar.gz ~ 808 kb - Jan 30, 2002
  • pygame-1.3.tar.gz ~ 731 kb - Dec 19, 2001
  • pygame-1.2.tar.gz ~ 708 kb - Sep 4, 2001
  • pygame-1.1.tar.gz ~ 644 kb - Jun 23, 2001
  • pygame-1.0.tar.gz ~ 564 kb - Apr 5, 2001
  • pygame-0.9.tar.gz ~ 452 kb - Feb 13, 2001
  • pygame-0.5.tar.gz ~ 436 kb - Jan 6 14, 2001
  • pygame-0.4.tar.gz ~ 420 kb - Dec 14, 2000
  • pygame-0.3b.tar.gz ~ 367 kb - Nov 20, 2000
  • pygame-0.2b.tar.gz ~ 408 kb - Nov 3, 2000
  • pygame-0.1a.tar.gz ~ 300 kb - Oct 28, 2000